It is time for the weapons to fall silent and for diplomacy to begin to resolve the conflict. We must counter the logic of war with the logic of peace. Let us gather to discuss the state and the wider context of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the positions of our various […]
The Politics of Culture in Times of Rapprochement
Ali Fathollah-Nejad The Politics of Culture in Times of Rapprochement European Cultural and Academic Exchange with Iran (2015 –16). With new forewords by Amir-Hassan Cheheltan and Arshin Adib-Moghaddam „Exactly 200 years after the publication of Goethe’s West–östlicher Divan (1819), Ali Fathollah-Nejad is inspired by the same cultural questions that had […]
WeiterlesenEU’s Connectivity in Times of Eurasian Dynamics
Detlev Hummel (Hrsg.) EU’s Connectivity in Times of Eurasian Dynamics Challenges for Banking and Finance Dieses Buch dokumentiert eine Konferenz im Rahmen der „Ostpartnerschaften“ der Universität Potsdam. Versammelt sind Beiträge von Wissenschaftlern aus Russland, Polen, Weißrussland, Italien und Deutschland. Dieser Austausch in Zeiten schwieriger politischer und ökonomischer Rahmenbedingungen bleibt wichtig, […]
WeiterlesenThomas Gill – Conditions
Thomas Gil Conditions Whenever we think, decide or act, different sorts of conditions are involved which substantially determine how we do it. We do not create the contents of our thoughts. They are given to us in experience. And the constraints and restrictions that bind our decisions and actions are […]
WeiterlesenThings, Properties, and Relations
Thomas Gil Things, Properties, and Relations Our thought and our language “carve at reality´s joints” (Plato). They manifest, most of the time, world structure, that is, the stuff the world is made of: things that happen, properties, dispositions, and relations. The task of critically analysing them, thought and language, is […]
WeiterlesenCauses, Time, and Truth
Thomas Gil Causes, Time, and Truth We need causation, time, and truth in order to know how things in the broadest sense of the term hang together in the broadest sense of the term. The essays try to say something clarifying about those three classical questions of traditional metaphysics. Not […]